Important New Book: Teach For America Counter-Narratives: Alumni Speak Up and Speak Out

TFA Alum Jameson Brewer (featured here previously here) and professor Kathleen deMarrais have compiled an important new book, Teach For America Counter-Narratives: Alumni Speak Up and Speak Out.  Featuring commentary from around 20 TFA alumni, this book provides valuable perspectives to counter what is too often marketing spin from TFA and mainstream media coverage.  The book has received some notable coverage in the article Calling Out Teach For America’s Myths, this NPR interview, and in this Washington Post article Good Intentions Gone Bad (which includes an excerpt).  The book covers a range of topics from recruitment, training, and support, to diversity and how TFA deals with criticism.  If the excerpt in the above article is any indication, then this book is well worth reading for better understanding TFA and its impact on education and teaching.

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